Bet 589

Duration 50 years (02010-02060)

“Within 50 years it will be the dominant paradigm within particle physics that all leptons and quarks are each composed of three pairs of two opposite types of black hole and that a pair of these black holes, when merged, form the underlying units from which the universe is composed.”

mike j lawrence


Lawrence's Argument

This is a prequark theory I have been developing for over 15 years that is powerful enough to explain many paradoxes. It unites quantum mechanics and relativity, provides a framework for mass not involving Higgs fields, shows the equality of the energies of mass and spin for leptons and quarks, explains superposition and entanglement, and many other features. Unfortunately I have not yet managed to explain Lamb shift energies to the precise level managed within the Standard Model using the new framework, but I am getting closer. Until I can beat the SM, my prequark hypothesis will not get published, but this bet will establish my priority.

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